Game-play of Zero-K does not change much with this game-mode, but it puts each game into a greater perspective so to say ;) But check out their own description of what PlanetWars is here.
Our all beloved corporate overlord IBM, has handed over their internal WYSIWYG HTML-5 editor Maqetta, to the open-source dojo foundation so that it will thrive and be expanded by the community.
Galaxy Gameworks will no longer be selling licenses to SDL, but will continue to support our existing customers.
SDL development will continue, but will largely be community driven and Ryan and I will continue to coordinate patch integration and SDL releases. We will be working to make it easier to contribute in a variety of ways, and are looking for people interested in helping out.
There are many ways to collaborate with the project [SaRII]:It'd be great for SaR to be easier to get started with.
- Designing new scenario files (no deep programming knowledge required)
- Designing some new missions (no deep programming knowledge required)
- Designing some new graphics and backgrounds for the menus.
- Finding and fixing bugs
- Improving documentation
- Adding new features
- Porting SaR II to other OSs
- Donating some cash